Monday, October 10, 2011

Giving thanks...

As children, my Mom would have all 6 of us kids around the table at Thanksgiving dinner and recount what we were thankful for. Since we missed Thanksgiving there again this year, I thought I'd give thanks via my blog.

- I am thankful for my children, Muffin with her passion for life and undying 'happy' energy. Mister for his edible cuteness and all the funny things he says.

- I am thankful for my husband, who is devoted and loyal - always putting us first and working hard to make sure we are well looked after.

- I am thankful for our health, home and happiness.

- I am thankful that we have embraced the the opportunity to do something amazing, and have the ability to do so.

- I am thankful for whoever is holding our African daughter and hope she is feeling loved and cherished.

- I am thankful for friends and family who support and defend us. Sometimes - it is all too easy to feel alone or criticized.

- I am thankful for being born in such a great country, affording me so many opportunities. For this, I am very lucky.

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