I must admit, the moment it happened was a bit anti-climatic.
I prepared for 2 days. Doing Z's hair, purchasing a gift for her and picking out the right clothes for everyone to wear.
When we arrived at the court house, we quickly noticed that we were only 1 of 3 families who chose to be present for their hearing. (It is an option for the judgement, which seems a bit crazy to me...). The families who were attending, got precedents and were heard first. We actually were the very first case!
Between cries from a little one, and intermittent chatter from the two toddlers in the room, we strained to hear the judge who speaks barely above a whisper. I heard our case being called, a few mumbles and then with a slamming of our file on the desk, he said 'I have no objections to this application..'... and that was it. No trumpets being played, no applause, no gavel being struck... and no confetti. He simply moved on to the next case.
When our lawyer's cases had all been heard, he motioned us to leave the room. Outside, Dan looked at me and asked what happened. He had no idea when or even if they made judgement!
At home we had a little celebration, gave Z a special little necklace and a matching one for her sister (early birthday present). We took some photos, and then went out for dinner with some friends.
While she has felt like ours since the day we brought her home, it's a big relief to legally be her parents.
We are now working on getting the necessary documents to apply for Z's passport, followed by her visa. Our flights are scheduled for the 18th of June.
Canada we are coming home!